E-Stops, and why we need them. Both the Simucube 2 Sport and Pro come with a basic E-Stop Torque off button. For Fanatec, the DD1 does not come with an E-Stop, but it’s offered as an accessory from the Fanatec Shop. The DD2 does come with a Premium E-Stop which differs in the aspect that it offers an On/Off button to control the power of the motor base itself. This gives the driver convenience as opposed to having to reach behind your motor base to turn it off when needed. This can be especially important for drivers who have their rigs setup with the monitors overlapping their wheelbase, which can make it hard to reach the bases backside.
There are many arguments as far as where the E-Stop should be placed on the rig. Some say it has to be by your leg, so you can turn hit the button with the side of your knee in an emergency. I prefer to have it mounted to a length of profile on my right side. If the wheel becomes erratic, I’m going to let go, which allows me to use my right hand to hit the E-Stop button. There’s no right/wrong answer. It’s whatever each individual driver prefers.
As far as what version of E-Stop button should you choose? Well, that’s up to you. There is a cost difference for the Simucube variants. The basic model is included in the Sport and Pro, and the Premium is standard in the Ultimate and optional to purchase for those who own a Sport or Pro. The Premium has predrilled holes for mounting that accept M4 bolts with approximate lengths of 25mm to 30mm depending on what size profile you’re mounting to. You’ll need two M4 T-Nuts to install it into the profile. I personally prefer the Premium version along with the standard version that comes with the DD2, since they have the on/Off button. This makes shutdown at the end of an evening of racing, much easier.
Whichever way you decide to go, make sure you get/install one regardless. You’ll need it at some point in your racing ventures.